More than educational, physical and mental attributes one may have, a person’s success in life will, in fact, be determined by their character. It will decide how far a person goes and how long they stay there. According to a recent study, character determines not only our success but also our happiness. Rather than reading a character book and forgetting it, this book gives you a proven way to easily and enjoyably engraft these traits in your heart so you can act on them automatically and never forget them. This concept is so powerful, reviewers are calling this book “The silver bullet we’ve been looking for.” and saying it can incredibly “save the next generation.”
We certainly need the saving work of Jesus Christ but a recent study by TV evangelist John Ankerburg revealed that 78% of the children born to Christian homes in America will lose their faith by the time they graduate from either high school or college. This enjoyable study of character will stop that horrible loss from happening.
Studying these character traits will easily double or triple a person’s confidence, capability and life accomplishments.
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Journal Samples
Excerpts from various selections of The Character Trait Journal.
Able to Overcome Adversity
Thank God life has its blessings, rewards and positive, sunshiny days. However, to live and prepare for the day of trouble is wisdom. We know there are certainly going to be some calamities down the road. There are going to be some misfortunate events, troubles and accidents in everyone’s lives. Some crumble in face of tough problems and unfair odds but we have to decide that, with God’s help, we are not going to be one of them. Solomon spoke to this saying, “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.” (Proverbs 21:10) For those who are in covenant with Him, God says, “In time of trouble He shall hide (you) in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle. He shall hide (you); He shall set (you) high upon a rock.” (Pslam 27:5) He goes on to say in Psalm 50:15 that you can “call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.” What incredible promises!
Life is a battle for all of us. There are, thankfully, a whole lot more sunshiny days than dark ones but it is the dark days that have the power to devastate. It is the days days that cause the weak to despair and give up. Adversity and conflict are simply unavoidable in life. For this reason and to encourage us to be prepared, the Master counsels is to count the cost before we ever step out on the field of battle. Before we even begin a battle, we need to decide if we have the gear to go all the way and obtain the victory. In order to get the true picture of what we are facing He poses this questions: “What king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able to with Ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and ask conditions of peace.” (Luke 14;31, 32) In other words, if we are looking for a fair fight is this life, we are going to be sadly disappointed. Don’t. Our adversary is the devil will be working in and through people and circumstances right in our very neighborhood, the community we live in, the company and ministry we are working for. The question is can you still keep the faith and believe you have the victory even when we are outnumbered two to one? Even two against one would be a blessing compared to what we might have to face on occasion. If we handle these conflicts successfully, positive results will strengthening our relationships and cause us to gain even more ground in life. Allowing them to defeat us will harm our relationships and cause us to lose ground and, for a time, may destroy our happiness.
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Many go through life leaping before they look, making carless decisions based on emotions without taking the time to consider all the relevant facts. We need to remember that every decision we make in life is really choosing among one or more options. The path we take will ultimately, like it or not, lead us to a destination. Some paths might also have ambushes set against us along the way as we go where the decision will take us.
As humans we are blessed to have decisions to make in life. For this reason, we will one day, be at a place that is the sum-total of all the decisions we have made. Decision making is both an art and a process.
Since nobody knows everything and we all have a lot to learn about any subject you might name, we should never feel bad asking counsel from experts in their field. Someone said, “Ignorance is a consequence of being human. Not knowing it is even more atrocious.” So true. The writer of Proverbs warned that, “Without counsel plans go awry but in the multitude of counselors they are established.” (Proverbs 15:22) All the problems and trails of life are like small wars we each must wage. The writer says, “For by wise counsel you will wage your own war and in a multitude of counselors there is safety.” (Proverbs 24:6) Their counsel will add to what you already know about the subject and give you several other viewpoints as well. Their wisdom will either deter or encourage you, giving you greater conviction about your plan. You have nothing to lose other than the small amount of time it takes to seek advice. But, know this, whatever you decide, you alone will own and either pay for a bad decisions of reap the benefits of a good one.
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Heart To Be A Builder
In life there are only two kinds of people: builders and wreckers. They are also sometimes referred to as givers and takers. Like a raging fire that always wants more, takers can never seem to get enough which just happens to be the nature of that particular beast. They are always eager to get but never even a thought of any willingness to give in return. They are so consumed with self-interest and so busy taking that most places they have been for any period of time begins to look like a hoard of locust has just recently passed through. Remember, if we are not blessing others and a part of the solution, we are most certainly part of the problem. Quite the contrary, givers are always wanting to give. They want to build things, improve places and build other people up. They want to make everything they touch better for their having been there. The best part of all this is that we get to choose which type of person we want to be!
We all have a short lease on this planet and it truly will be over for us here sooner than we think. Then, when all is said and done in life and we stop at the end of the the trail to look back, what will we have to show for all our effort? Have we left a barren waste-land of scorched earth in our wake? Have we consumed a lot of groceries and banged up a rusted out cars? Or do we see buildings completed that are still standing; organizations we started, increased and strengthened still performing; system and procedures improved wherever we have toiled, lives changed, mended and built up? Are the towns we lived in a little better because we were there to help?
Even as a little kid in kindergarten, I remember taking a hammer, some nails and few pieces of 2×4’s and building a battle ship on the sidewalk in front of our house. It had a gun turrets and cannons shocking out everywhere (made out of nails). If you saw it, you certainly would not have been impressed but it was a big as my imagination and so real to me. I have always been taken by building. Easy in elementary school days, I was building treehouses and forts out in the woods. Several opportunities opened during the summers of high school and college to work construction. I have always been interested in building things but a little poem I heard about the time I was a lieutenant in theArmy changed my life forever. Building would no longer to limited to sticks, bricks, concrete, steel and rebar.
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Respect For Authority & Others
The others day I noticed a bumper sticker that said, “Challenge authority.” In a world full of rebellion that has little respect for anybody or anything, that may seen like a reasonable, trendy approach. However, in God’s hierarchal system of order, that kind of attitude will surely cut off one’s blessings, extinguish all divine favor and will likely shorten your life.
When we look at nature, we probably won’t even see it but God has set up this invisible, hierarchical system of government in the earth. He is the head of all things, the head of Christ and Christ is the head of the church. Children, subsequently, are commanded to obey their parents and this is the first commandment with a promise. In so doing, God promises our children that they will enjoy long life. Everywhere we go, we will find someone is in authority. Every home, business and every little league baseball team has someone in charge. If we show them respect and obey their wished, we will find favor, opportunity and blessings. If we oppose those those in leadership, we will find rebuke and, more than likely, disaster in our relationship. It is our decision. Whatever you want, it is there awaiting your response. Life is all about interacting with other people here on earth and especially those in authority. People who have no self-respect and those who have never been taught respect by their parents, usually have the greatest problem with this concept and, therefore, life in general. The Word of God promises us that faithfulness and obedience in the smallest things brings more opportunities and likely even some authority in due time. but you can’t have authority unless you respect authority.
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Faithful In Relationships
What is life about? Things or people? We all certainly need a few things and things can be tools to help make life easier, more enjoyable as well as our work more efficient but they also wear out, become obsolete and we get tired of even those things we use for enjoyment. People, on the other hand, are what life is really about. No man is an island. hermits and loners are never happy in this life. Just as well face it, we were all born selfish and self-centered but our worth inline will be determined by how much we can be devoted to others–to things, people and entities outside of ourselves. Only those who love people will ever be happy and experience life that is truly life.
We see in the life of David the importance of being faithful in relationships. When Samuel approached King Saul about failing to obey the Lord’s command to take no spoil when he was sent out to annihilate the Amalekites, Saul defended his keeping King Agag as a war trophy and allowing the people to keep some of the best sheep to offer as sacrifices. Why? Because Saul thought 99 and a half would do with God–but it won’t. Samuel’s immediate response was because of his disobedience, God had rejected him as king over Israel. Subsequently, He told Samuel to anoint David as king, which he did, and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him from that day forward. Although he was anointed king by the prophet Samuel, David never challenged Saul but rather waited upon the Lord daily for deliverance and years to receive his crown.
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Winston Menzies is a master teacher who has provided us with a life-changing manual filled who the practical foundational building-blocks of character. Each character quality is a conversation with “life couch” Winston Menzies, whereupon you can construct your life’s foundation. Arrange the traits in the priority you want to first apply. Do you want a life of adventure, true success and fulfill dreams without regret and sorrow? Take a few minutes each day to study The Character Trait Journal, then practice the application as he instructs and your life will be transformed into the life you’ve always dreamed of. But don’t stop with yourself! When read together as a family, perhaps at the dinner table, The Character Trait Journal will anchor your children in the practical applications of character. It will reward you with a generation who can grow into mighty oak trees! Thank you Brother Menzies for this timeless, priceless gift of character training!
Bob Bird Pastor, The Lighthouse of Hope Church & President, Bird Family Insulation Conyers, Georgia
Bravo! Winston Menzies’ new book,The Character Trait Journal, helps parents do something really special for their children by giving them a bite sized, practical way to build biblical character into their lives. It does so in easy to read chapters that help you teach your kids not the “what” to be: cute, funny, or popular but the “who” it be: grateful, brave, persistent. It teaches them who they can be in Christ. If character counts, and it does,The Character Trait Journal is not only a must read but it is also a must have tool for every parent who wants to gain character personally, as well as raise the net generation of faithful, successful, God honoring Americans.