WM – About The Author

Winston Graduated from Texas A&M University with a BS degree, a pilot’s license and a commission as a lieutenant in the US Army. He had a three year tour in the Army Service, twice as a company commander in Vietnam.
Upon resigning his commission, he came to Atlanta, GA and became President and founder of Creative Realty Inc., Creative Builder’s Inc., and Creative Plan Service and Pastor of Greater Grace Church.
Today he oversees an evangelical ministry serving in a number of prisons, jails and youth development centers in the north Georgia area. He is the director of Cars for Christ, Manna Ministries (gives food to the needy), and teaches the Oasis group at Trinity Praise Greater. He pastored Greater Grace Church in Covington, GA for seventeen years. He is happily married to the love of his life, Donna. She helps with secretarial work, does gardening, and is a great homemaker. Winston says she is happiest when she has her hands in the dirt. Flowers, shrubs, and gardens are her favorite things in life other than loving and serving God.

Winston's long-time horse, Adino.

The love of his life and best friend, Donna.

Winston on the porch of the new Shepherd's House in Covington.